Hi from Sunny Melbourne

Melbourne has been putting on a great show with the weather. It should be 31 tomorrow and blue sky. Bet your bottom dollar, though, when the Queenslanders steps off the plane it'll be cold, cloudy and raining. Any chance of a beach visit will go out the window.
From what I hear it's been hot and muggy up north. I received a text message from a friend saying. They thought I was mad for wanting to live there, but hey, I grew up there so I can hack it. My housemate, Adam has decided to look for a new flatmate for us. He's looking for a girl who might clean the place I think. But the closest he'll ever get is me. And I only clean up when I get sick of looking at the mess or I actually work a normal week and have two days off. So wish us luck.
Stay tuned for pics of sunny Melbourne with a coupla Banana Benders showing off in em.
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