Sunday, December 25, 2005

John and Judy AT the Christmas Party in Melbourne

My new years resolution will certainly be to lose some weight in 2006. I have been really slack and have let the kilos pile on and so has John.

Once we get through all the Christmas food, booze, chocolates, nuts and other stuff we will be good......

Well anyway, going back to the gym has also been of help for me. Although I haven't really lost fat, I have firmed up and I feel better. Funny how using more physical energy can made you feel like you have more energy.

A Better Photo

This is a better picture. Of Tenielle anyway. As you can see my hairdresser really got stuck in and chopped off my hair this month. It was much too short but has grown a bit and is OK now. Too late for the photo.

As I mentioned in my previous BLOG it has been very hot today and as expected we had a storm about an hour ago. The thunder and lightning were spectacular. I am sure one of the lightning bolts was right over the house.

Poor puss cowered under the dining room table and out in the street I saw a terrified dog running around in a panic. I hope he got back home because he was very distressed.

Christmas Day

Well it is nearly 7 pm on Christmas night and, as usual on Christmas night, I have had too much to eat and drink. Today was a scorcher and the humidity was pretty unbearable. I don't how we ever survived without air-con. Nanna McGarry and Robert came over and had a traditional Aussie Christmas lunch with us.

As Doug mentioned in the previous BLOG we went to Melbourne at the beginning of the month and had a lovely day with Doug and Tenielle. I haven't seen Tenielle for a long time. She is growing into a very lovely young girl. We shopped and shopped and bought her some lovely things.

I am going to post a picture of us together at the hotel room in Melbourne. We didn't get a really fancy room like Doug had in his BLOG but it was still a good room with plenty of views.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Hi from Sunny Melbourne

So Mum and Dad are coiming to Melbourne once again for a visit. Although this time they get to stay in luxury. This could possibly be one of the rooms they are going to be staying in. Hopefully they don't gamble the night away since Tenielle and I are coming to visit them on Sunday.

Melbourne has been putting on a great show with the weather. It should be 31 tomorrow and blue sky. Bet your bottom dollar, though, when the Queenslanders steps off the plane it'll be cold, cloudy and raining. Any chance of a beach visit will go out the window.

From what I hear it's been hot and muggy up north. I received a text message from a friend saying. They thought I was mad for wanting to live there, but hey, I grew up there so I can hack it. My housemate, Adam has decided to look for a new flatmate for us. He's looking for a girl who might clean the place I think. But the closest he'll ever get is me. And I only clean up when I get sick of looking at the mess or I actually work a normal week and have two days off. So wish us luck.

Stay tuned for pics of sunny Melbourne with a coupla Banana Benders showing off in em.