Friday, January 20, 2006

The Doug is Home!

Well he's back. I knew he was home as soon as I came home from work because I tripped over a shoe in the foyer. And he only had 3 mates with him but another arrived later. The good son that he is, he cooked dinner for them so I was spared that task. I would have gone for pizza anyway. I have no idea how to cook for 6 men.

The cat is beside herself. All those legs in the kitchen scared her witless and she had to eat in the garage. She wanted to go outside to get away but there's that darn snake (see below). Anyway they have all gone off to the pub now so I might sneak off to bed while its quiet.

This will be a testing time for all of us but it's great to have him home again.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Snakes Alive

Well if it isn't bad enough having to stand around hosing at night stepping on toads and being eaten by mozzies I now have to contend with a 2 metre carpet snake that is in my garden. I know that they are harmless to humans if you leave them alone but they are a bit scary. John took some photos of it but they did not come out so well, so I have posted a photo from a web site. They are really beautifully marked. This picture does not show it, but the light areas were yellow on the one in my garden.

The good thing is that we will not have any rats or mice while it is around. I just hope he doesn't start looking at the cat as a meal.