A Lot Happening
Well I see I haven't blogged since April. There has been a lot going on but truthfully I have just been lazy about doing this.
In August John and I went on holiday to Sabah and Singapore. Sabah is Malaysian North Borneo and the main reason to go was to see the Orang Utans at the Sepilok Centre. They are trying to save the animals from the advancement of civilisation that is destroying their natural habitat. They find baby orphaned Orangs in the forest, take them to the Centre and re-habilitate them back into the wild. It takes a lot of years and a lot of money. Orangs are so human like. They have beautifully expressive eyes.

Singapore was a great place. Beautiful city and absolutely immaculate with its tropical gardens and mix of old colonial and very modern buildings. And the shopping!....... I could go back anytime.
At the end of August, Joanna turned 21 so Rosemary and Greg had yet another party at their house. Joanna is a beautiful girl and we all had a fun night with the younger and more robust partygoers continuing until early hours. I was home and in bed by 11.30pm. What does that say about me? That's Jo in the middle cutting her Pavlova, not cake with Rosemary and Elle assisting.

The biggest news of late is that I have been made redundant from the CBA. On Monday 4 September, I was called to a meeting with the new General Manager who advised that my job would be abolished in the new struture. I was asked to leave then and there, so I have been at home, on full pay, ever since, just waiting. The Bank's preferred option is to redeploy staff made redundant so I must wait to see if they find me another job.
I would prefer to take my retrenchment and move on. This is an opportunity for me to do something different as I have been in banking all my life. There are a lot of possibilities and I just have to work through them to find something suitable. This last week at home has shown me that I am not ready to retire just yet.
John has decided now to work from home. He has been thinking about this for some time, so now that I don't have to go into the city every day there is no real reason for him to drive over to Cannon Hill. He must learn to discipline himself though, because he is working late into the night, and not taking proper breaks. Another learning curve to travel.
Doug has settled in well and is dividing his time between work and study. It keeps him fairly busy but he manages to squeeze in some sport and have a social life. In a couple of weeks, during the Uni break he is going to Melbourne to spend some time with Tenielle. We all miss her, but Doug especially so and he is looking forward to the trip.
Doug turned 30 last May so the family went along to the newly refurbished Newmarket hotel to celebrate. Doug didn't really pass out out at dinner, but I thought it was very coincidental that we were placed at table 30.

Now that I have more time on my hands I will try to blog more often. Catch you later. Bye!